Search through a tree data-structure
January 11, 2018
How to spin up a React App in 5 minutes
January 18, 2018

Set a day long goal


Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

Set a day long goal

For this standard, we will be working with the Set Short Term Goals repository

According the repo, in order to craft daily goals that help you become a better developer, your goals must be ambitious, yet feasible and describe *how* to get the work done.

The beginning of the reflection includes 2-5 measurable goals that were set at the beginning of the day.

This includes actionable goals that are SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Smart Goals:

  1. Open only one project at a time that way I don’t get side tracked when I swipe screens.
  2. Take a 10 minute break from coding for each hour of coding.
  3. Drink more water to be hydrated.


The goals were met.

Having only one project open at a time, really helped not get side tracked with open windows.

Taking that 10 minute break from coding, interfered in the beginning of the day. However, later in the day, I found that break to be very rewarding.

I always drink a lot of water, along with coffee. I tried to actively drink more, and found myself going to the bathroom a bit more.

Going forward:

I will continue using the one project open at a time goal more often, and will not actively drink more water if not necessary.