Discuss MVC and related Architectural Patterns
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Participate in code reviews


Friday, November 30th, 2017

Participate in code reviews

For this Mastery, I reviewed Andy’s Angular Inbox

URL: https://andfwas-ng-mail-f11e1.firebaseapp.com/

REPO: https://github.com/andfwas/ng-mail 

and he reviewed my Angular Inbox

URL: https://ang-inbox.firebaseapp.com/

REPO: https://github.com/prdesignwork/ng-inbox

It was very interesting to review Andy’s code, because we were both using Angular 1.6 to build our inbox.

3 Positive Things from his code

  1. Really liked how far he got with the app.
  2. It was amazing how similar we connected our pieces.
  3. He was great at commenting his code, to understand what was happening.

1 Thing to improve

The big thing to improve, is to have all the pieces working in the Toolbar and Inbox components. I’m sure given enough time he would have completed it.

His suggestions

He also liked how similar our code was, which is great to know that great minds code a lot. He also suggested the same thing about getting all the components working.

Thoughts about the Code Review

I really loved this exercise, because it made me feel I was going down the right path, especially when other brilliant classmates had the same problem solving strategy.