October 13, 2017
Build a SPA that uses templates
October 31, 2017

Issue pull-requests for open source software


Tuesday, October 17th, 2017

Github to Infinity, and beyond

Today has been all Git with Teams, and avoiding Merge Conflicts.

Taking things a bit further, and contributing to open source software that I care about, purely based on friendliness

Next, I read through the Contributing guide

The biggest problem I noticed, that my name wasn’t on the file.

So I forked, and cloned the repository, made the changes to the file file, and created a new branch. Committed the changes and pushed to Git with a new origin for my branch.

Afterwards I authorized a Compare and Pull-Request to the Open Source owner.

He approved the changes, and merged my branch to the master branch. You can see the update here:

In conclusion, Git is much friendlier than it lets on, and a true lifesaver!